Bean Brothers is a fun and challenging platform game for ZX Spectrum Next*. You control two characters, Fabe and Lubi, who must work together to beat the game's 40 levels.

Fight against multiple enemies, avoid hazards, open doors and study the level before solving it - or not, maybe you need to react fast because an enemy is coming towards you!

Sharpen your platforming skills, you may need them for dodging enemies and perform difficult jumps, but beware - your partner may be in danger and you should switch quickly to get him out of danger. But speed is not all, in some occasions you will need to think before pulling that lever, you may get trapped!

The game was originally released in 2018 by Dave Hughes for ZX Spectrum 48K/128K, who kindly gave me permission for this remake for the ZX Spectrum Next. As the target machine is more powerful, I have enhanced graphics, added more songs, more levels and rewritten everything from scratch.

This remake has the 20 levels from the original game, plus another 20 extended levels, with a bigger screen size and greater difficulty.

*and Windows, OSX and web browsers.

How to play

Your job is to take Fabe and Lubi to the exit of the level ( a door with lamps over it).  You control any of both characters and you can switch between them. They will need to jump over hazards or dodge enemies.

Also, they will find closed doors which will keep them from advancing. There are levers which open the doors, but beware: some doors are open, and some are closed when pulling the levers. All doors are switched by all levers.

Sometimes (specially in the extended levels) you may get trapped and will need to restart the level (losing one life). You can do that from the pause menu.

How to control the game

On a Spectrum Next, you can play using any of these control methods:

  • Keyboard: use the keys Q to jump, A to switch, O, P for left and right, and ENTER for pause/select in menu.
  • Joystick/gamepad: up for jump, down for switch, left and right for movement, and button for pause/select in menu.

All control methods work simultaneously (you don't need to select method) and you can change from one to another at any time.

Keyboard can be redefined to any of the 56 keys of the ZX Spectrum Next keyboard.

Also joystick can be redefined. I like to use one button for jumping and another button for switching.

Playing modes

The game has infinite lives and if you die, you restart the level. Keep passing levels and you will get to the end. 

But there also a selector mode where you can play any previously visited level. Visited levels are saved.

Development tools used

Thanks & Mentions

Installing on Spectrum Next / N-Go

Download the file beanbros-en.nex, copy it to your SD card, and run it.

Para la versión española, descarga el fichero beanbros-es.nex

System Requirements

Bean Brothers has been developed and tested using:

The game should work on other versions / firmwares, but only has been tested on the ones mentioned.

Source code

Source code for Godot and Spectrum Next is available in my GitHub repo.

Installing on Windows PC (native Godot executable)

Download, unzip it and run the executable.

For full screen, press F11.

Windows version runs great on the Steam Deck using Proton compatibility layer.

Installing on Mac (native Godot executable)

Download BeanBros-OSX.dmg, open it, copy the Bean to /Applications or anywhere else, and execute it.

For full screen, press F11.

Playing from the web browser

There is an HTML5 version which can be played directly from the browser. You should find it on top of this page.

You can play on PC using your keyboard, or a with a game controller connected to the PC (at least, it works on my Windows box using an Xbox controller). Also, I have been able to play from my mobile phone using a bluetooth controller. Your mileage may vary. I have experienced a slight lag playing the HTML5 version (better on desktop, worse on mobile). To get the best, lag free experience, play from a Spectrum Next or N-GO machine connected via VGA/RGB.

Updated 3 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorDavid Programa
Made withAseprite, Godot, GIMP
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Castilian
InputsKeyboard, Joystick


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

beanbros-en-1_1.nex 176 kB
beanbros-es-1_1.nex 176 kB 16 MB
BeanBros-OSX-1.1.dmg 33 MB 18 MB 3.3 MB 3.4 MB

Development log


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Awesome music, it add a lot to atmosphere


Awesome game !

Thanks for the video!

my 10yr old daughter is better at it than her Dad - very impressed with how playing the two characters work - simply brilliant 

GREAT GAME - have just purchased!

Thanks!!! Hope you enjoy it :-)

just purchased a copy and will be taking it to Play Expo in Blackpool to show off!  Looks like a great game (and if TJ's video is anythning to go by is going to be cause much swearing!)

Thank you for the purchase, and thanks in advance for showing the game in Play Expo, I appreciate it a lot. I won't attend, it's too far away for me. But I will look for videos on Youtube, I hope to see the game somewhere ;-)

Una pasada de juego! el original ya me tenía enganchado pero es que este lleva mucho más allá la diversión gracias a los niveles extendidos.

Eso sí, ¿podrías activar la opción para que cuando se elija un nivel, y se consiga superar, se desbloquee el siguiente? No teniendo vidas el juego, entiendo que el reto está en conseguir resolver el nivel, y en el caso de los extendidos, dada su complejidad resolver un nivel puede llevar un tiempo, por lo que en muchas ocasiones por falta de tiempo no es viable ponerse a jugarlos todos desde el principio. Estaría bien poder jugar a cada rato uno e ir avanzando en el juego sin tener que hacerlo del tirón. No se si me explico, aunque igual ya lo has descartado.

En cualquier caso, enhorabuena por el juego, y gracias por tan gran aporte al catálogo de next.


Muchas gracias! Me parece una opción interesante lo que propones, pero no se si haría el juego demasiado fácil. Déjame que lo piense un poco.

Hola Mambrino, después de un tiempo, por fin te he hecho caso, y he añadido la funcionalidad que me pediste: cuando superas un nivel, se desbloquea el siguiente, el cual puedes jugar desde la pantalla de selección de niveles. Da igual que lo superes en modo principio-a-fin que desde la pantalla de seleccion, una vez superado, queda desbloqueado.

Te diré que había un pequeño obstáculo con respecto al sonido, que se interrumpe en el Next al guardar el fichero (hay que guardar fichero al desbloquear nivel). Así que he tenido que hacer pequeños cambios en el audio.

Pues eso, espero que si has dejado de jugar al juego, esto haga que te apetezca volver a darle un tiento. Gracias y un saludo!

Estupendo! muchas gracias ;)

Hace un tiempo que dejé de jugar, pero porque encontré un buen rato y me lo pude pasar entero, aunque igual le doy otra,je

Además...seguro que resulta útil a más gente.

Muchas gracias por atender mi sugerencia.

Just played.  Swore and had fun!  Thanks for a cool game!  

Thank you for playing. Had a lot of fun watching you play!!!

Glad you enjoyed my go at the game.  haha

What a great game! Nice to see more specy next games. 

Thanks! There will be more ;-)

Awesome game!

Thanks for playing! And thanks for the video :-)